Thursday, September 24, 2009


I wish I had understood this last year when first starting my Library and Information Management studies. The whole idea of social networking was relatively new and the terminology unfamiliar. If only... but now I understand that I can create a place on the web where I can store all those useful links that will be invaluable to me once I get a 'real job'. And I can check out what others may have found.

I have to tell you that I have begun so many of these potential lists in a new book each time, only to lose track of them or misplace the book. Now I have the answer to my problem!

Folksonomies and Tagging
producing, commenting and classifying
- tagging allows keywords to associate with online content - thus considered a folksonomy, aka an unstructured catergorisation scheme.
- Library of Congress suubject headings (largest categorisation scheme on planet) is more formalised and considered a taxonomy.

  • Allows save bookmarks to central location that can be accessed anywhere. (I could do this with my library reference material for future use).
It also offers a collaborative online reference where colleagues can add to it.
  • AskNow
Uses cloud for access to useful resources on the web ( I like this).
I like:
Great books Online - Quotes, Poems, Novels, classics, etc.
Medical -
  • Library Thing - online catalogue of your personal book collection = social networking/tagging benefits. ( I have been using Library Thing to keep tabs of what I have been reading because I can rate it, post comments for my own benefit, and have all the publishing information at my fingertips because the site can do this automatically for you. The other useful thing I found was that some small/private libraries can use this as a means of cataloguing their collections.)
  • Shelfari create virtual shelf to show off your books + network.
  • Gurulib catalogue books, movies, music, games and software + connect + share (reviews, etc.)

RSS feeds

I've got this one going with My Yahoo - it is addictive and I have many wonderful and interesting feeds which I never have time to read or follow. Maybe once I have finished this course I will! So much interesting information out there - but like to keep my life simple so I suppose eventually I will cull many of them and keep a small number of the most relevant and useful.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Social Networking

I've been using Facebook for about 2 years mainly as a place to connect with family and friends. I can post and share photos of what is happening in our lives as well as drop in on others I know to see what is happening in their lives. It's a great way of staying connected. I also get to see instant photos of my grandchildren.

  • Facebook/My Space/ Twitter/ Ning/ Bebo/ Friendster
Thursday 24 Sep. 2009

I've been looking at some of the web tools that can be used by students on the Opal site - '15 Web Tools..' for students. Of interest to me as a student are:
1. and CiteMe which is a facebook application. These are very useful for creating accurate bibliographies and finding sources.
2. GoogleDocs ( is a free online word processing and spreadsheet application which is great for online collaboration. Files can be accessed from anywhere. Definitely worth checking out.
3. Delicious is a free bookmarking application useful for collection web resources you are using under a single tag.
4. Zolero looks to be very useful if doing research. It is Firefox extension to help collect, manage, & cite your research sources and is accessed in web browser.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

first edition

Well ... here I am ...lost. I know I am supposed to be somewhere ...hmmmm.